Posts Tagged ‘job’

How to find if a potential employee is the right fit for your company culture

Recruiters talk a lot about company culture when it comes to finding the right candidate. Check out a previous blog post we have on the subject. We focus on how important it is to have the “right fit” when it comes to personality and values. But as a hiring manager, it’s easy to decide if a potential candidate has the right credentials, experience or skill. However, trying to navigate those more intangible qualities can leave some scratching their heads. Here are a few questions to ask potential candidates to help hone in on those that have the right qualities for your company’s culture.

How and when do you do your best work? Someone who needs total silence to complete a task will not excel in a group environment. Someone who requires constant supervision wouldn’t work well in a company set up to work remotely.

What excites you most about this company? The best candidates won’t mention compensation or benefits. They should bring up your company’s processes or other approaches that make your company unique.

Who was your favorite boss or mentor and why? This will help you figure out your potential candidates best learning style, as well as how they work with leaders and managers.

What makes you uncomfortable at work? Finding a candidate that can honestly, and effectively, open up about both their likes, and dislikes, ensures that they will be straightforward with you as well as their coworkers and bosses.

What would you like to do more of at work? This will help you see what fulfills them on a day-to-day basis. Can your company provide that for them?

Cultural fit is a tough thing to not only define, but to find in a potential candidate. However, taking the time to ask some more detailed questions can help you really see if they will get along with fellow colleagues, build rapport in the office, prove a valuable resource to the company, and be happy coming to work every day.

Peter Trombetti is the owner of Oficio Group, located in East Greenwich, RI. Specializing in sales and marketing within the specialty chemicals industry, Peter can be reached through the website.

Learn more about finding, hiring and keeping top millennial talent.

Stories are often told of the “older generation” that walked into a job after college and were still with the same company 30 years later. These tales are often told with a shaking of the head and a comment or two about how those days are behind us. Between the economy and a millennial generation who is used to having instant gratification, the days of an employee being able to count on a long term position, and conversely, a company being able to count on loyal employees, are over. Or so we thought.

When you actually take a look at some of the current data out there about job searchers, you would find the opposite is actually true. Current studies by the Washington Post show that in the past decade, young employees are actually staying at their jobs longer than any other time since 1983. See graph below:

recruiting and human resources

So what is really going on? This takes us back to the simple answer of: the economy. This generation came of age in a time when jobs were not readily available and the competition was fierce. Many were competing with seasoned employees who had years of work experience that they didn’t have. When they did find a job, they held on tightly because there wasn’t another one readily available around the corner.

However, the good news for both employees and employers alike, is that as the economy is expected to improve, the job market is as well. Companies will be in a better position to offer higher salaries and more benefits to potential employees. Hiring managers will begin to see more competitive employees enter the job market as they see conditions improve, while workers can expect more variety and better wages in their future.

recruiting and human resources help rhode island

As a recruiter, it’s my job to find the best candidates for an open position at any company. Traditionally, it was then the responsibility of the hiring manager to invite the candidate in, interview them, and make the final decision of who to hire. However, in this new age, more and more innovative companies are finding that by involving more stakeholders in the decision making process they are creating a system of checks and balances that gives them a better idea of who the perfect candidate is.

By including other partners in the hiring process, they are able to provide an objective perspective that takes into account the bigger needs of the business. Stepping outside of just the department of the hiring manager, will ensure that each departments needs are being met, and that the potential employee will work with the company as a whole. While a hiring manager may have short-term goals, their desire to fill a position quickly may end with a candidate being overlooked, or chosen, even if they aren’t the perfect fit.

With multiple people involved in the decision making process, different points of view can be heard. They can ask questions that one person may forget, find things that one person may not and formulate different opinions. Instead of just one person pushing through, or vetoing, a potential candidate, a group can weigh the pros and cons of each person. This will make sure that the person that gets the job is truly the best employee for the company.

While this may take more time and involve more resources, filling an empty space with a candidate that can fill the needs of the entire company, not just one department, will save both money and time in the long run.

Peter Trombetti is the owner of Oficio Group, located in East Greenwich, RI. Specializing in Sales and Marketing within the specialty chemicals industry, Peter can be reached through the website.


How we treat people in our day-to-day reaction may actually have more of an impact on our career than we think.